A Look into the Bullish Northeast Gas and Power Markets | Energy Watch Blog

Natural Gas and Power forwards are sky-high heading into the upcoming summer months and ESAI considers the power forwards significantly overvalued. Expectations of tight gas markets have driven up gas forwards and contributed to much stronger power forwards. However, the overly bullish power markets also seem to reflect significant risk premiums, most likely due to the reluctance of sellers to take on any forward price risk.

Power forward contracts for this summer are trading north of $100/MWh in PJM, New York, and New England. Implied forward spark spreads – an indicator of the profitability of gas-fired power plants – have exploded, greatly exceeding anything that has historically been realized in the power markets.

At current levels, Northeast power forwards cannot be fully reconciled with market fundamentals. ESAI has taken a much more bearish view on Northeast power prices this summer, based on ESAI’s power market research that is rooted in an in-depth understanding of key market fundamentals and detailed market analysis.

In addition to the assessment of Northeast gas and power forwards and ESAI’s fundamental gas and power outlooks, this month’s issue of ESAI’s Northeast Energy Watch also covers the market impacts of Pennsylvania potentially joining RGGI.…subscribers, be sure to check out the recent Energy Watch Monthly for more details and the latest forecasts!

For more information and specific price forecast data, check out ESAI Power’s Free Trial Service here: ESAI Power Free Trial.

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ESAI Power evaluates the renewable energy issues, markets and trends in the PJM, New York, and New England market footprints. Coverage includes solar, onshore and offshore wind, hydroelectric, and storage. For each region, ESAI Power details the regulatory and market factors that impact the supply and demand balance for Class I Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and projects the supply and demand balance of Class I RECs through 2030.

Learn About Energy Watch Monthly

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Energy Watch MonthlyTM provides nine-month zonal pricing forecast and discussion of policy changes and other key market influencers in the Northeast regions, as well as a natural gas forecast which provides analysis of Henry Hub and regional basis dynamics. The energy forecast put forth in this monthly is based on both ESAI and forward fuel forecasts and compared with forward market energy prices.

Learn About Energy Watch Quarterly

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Energy Watch QuarterlyTM provides a quarterly analysis of market and policy issues affecting energy pricing dynamics over the next 10-year period for both the power and natural gas sectors. This analysis includes forecasts of pool-wide and zonal energy prices in New England, New York, and PJM, including forecasts of fuel inputs. Supporting assumptions are provided in each quarterly report.