ISO-New England FCA17 Expected Auction Dynamics & Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

Parameters are set for the ISO-NE 17th Forward Capacity Auction slated to open on March 6th for the procurement of capacity for the 2026/27 Capacity Commitment Period (CCP).

Notably, FCA17 will be the first ISO-NE Capacity auction to include the transition provisions for the Minimum Offer Price Rule or MOPR.  Moving forward, ISO-NE will be implementing a full set of MOPR revisions for FCA19.

On November 8th, 2022 ISO-NE submitted its annual information filing of ICR-related values to FERC.  The key FCA17 Auction parameters include Peak Load, ICR, HQICCs, Net ICR, MCL, Net CONE, and the Dynamic De-List Bid Threshold.

ESAI’s update also includes detailed analysis of:

  • System Wide MRI Demand Curve
  • Expected FCA17 Supply 
  • FCA17 Auction Dynamics including CASPR

This issue of Capacity Watch also includes our long term Capacity Price forecast for FCA Clearing Prices out to 2034/35.  Our FCA18 and Beyond coverage includes how the full set of MOPR Reforms will impact prices in FCA19, Demand Growth forecast, Projected Capacity Surplus, and as always clear and transparent assumptions for our base case forecast.

ESAI’s updated forecast, reflecting the ISO-NE FCA17 Auction parameters and rule changes, is discussed in the latest issue of Capacity Watch published recently to our subscriber base.  For more information about our Capacity Forecasts, see our Capacity Market Coverage.  To request access to ESAI’s Quarterly Power Service fill out this form free trial form

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