Capacity Watch GraphicCapacity WatchTM – Provides analysis of capacity markets and policy issues that impact capacity price outcomes over a 10-year forecast horizon. The impacts of new generation and retirements on reserve margin surpluses and forward capacity market values is updated and presented in each issue. Coverage includes:

  • An evaluation of the outlook for the construction of each generation project in PJM, NYISO, ISO-NE and MISO via our Generation Asset Monitor monthly updates.
  • Pre & post Capacity auction briefings on PJM BRAs, ISO-NE FCAs, MISO PRAs with ongoing, in-depth NYISO Capacity market analysis.
  • Up-to-date 10-year Capacity Price forecast.

Subscribers can also access ESAI’s Generation Asset Monitor, which provides a detailed evaluation of the outlook for the construction of generation projects and plant retirements in ISO-NE, NYISO, PJM, and MISO.


NYISO Capacity Price Forecast Winter 2024-25 | Capacity Watch Blog

The NYISO Winter Strip Auction window opened today, starting a series of critical events in the NYISO Winter Capability Period for 2024/25. The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) manages the state of New York’s energy needs, ensuring a reliable power supply during the colder months. This blog post will delve into some details of the NYISO Installed Capacity Market for the Winter 2024/25 season, shedding light on auction schedules, clearing price volatility, and notable changes compared to the previous winter.

MISO PRA Scheduled to Start March 26th | Capacity Watch Blog

ESAI brings 20 years of experience analyzing and forecasting the Capacity Markets in PJM, ISO-NE and NYISO, into our new Capacity coverage of MISO. ESAI also maintains a MISO Energy Asset Database (Delivered to subscribers in excel) that tracks the MISO Interconnection queue to forecast Renewables Additions that produces a Probability Weighted Renewable Additions forecast, any Fossil Additions, and also any plant Retirements or forecasting plants at risk of retirement. 

PJM Load Forecast Update | February 2024 | Energy Watch Blog

ESAI Power’s latest Energy Watch market update includes our current 10-year power and natural gas price forecast across PJM, NYISO and ISO-NE. The update also includes our natural gas price forecast, based on our fundamental long-term view, along with forward market prices for the initial years. This blog post will delve into the critical details behind our near-term and long-term 10-year energy market forecast for ISO-New England.

ISO-NE FCA18 Auction Dynamics and Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

In ESAI’s latest Capacity Watch report, we analyze ISO-NE FCA18, Forward Capacity Auction. ESAI’s coverage includes auction parameters, qualified capacity, and expected auction dynamics. These are all detailed in our Capacity Watch report.

Top ESAI Power Blog Posts for 2023

It has been a banner year for news in the wholesale power space and our top five blog posts reflect that with heavy concentration of capacity and renewable energy news in NYISO, MISO and the PJM Interconnection.

ISO-NE Forward Capacity Auction Forecast Track Record

Generation owners and their investors are placing big bets (often in the hundreds of millions of dollars) in the ISO-New England Capacity Market.  As Mark Christie, FERC Commissioner, put it in March 2023: “Capacity Markets are characterized by such hopeless complexity and impenetrable opacity that they represent the example of a game that only insiders can play and win.” ESAI is now offering the opportunity to request our Pre-Auction Capacity Price Forecasts for ISO New England’s Forward Capacity Auction (FCA) over the past 7 Capacity Auctions.

PJM Capacity Auction Track Record 2016 – 2023

Power Generator owners and their investors are placing big bets (often in the hundreds of millions of dollars) in the PJM, MISO, ISO-NE and NYISO Capacity Markets. As Mark Christie, FERC Commissioner, put it in March, 2023: “Capacity Markets are characterized by such hopeless complexity and impenetrable opacity that they represent the example of a game that only insiders can play and win.”

NYISO Capacity Prices Volatile Heading into Winter 2023-24 | Capacity Watch Blog

As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, the New York State energy market gears up for another winter season. The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) manages the state’s energy needs, ensuring a reliable power supply during the colder months. This blog post will delve into the critical details of the NYISO Installed Capacity Market for the Winter 2023/24 season, shedding light on auction schedules, clearing price volatility, and notable changes compared to the previous winter.

PJM Interconnection Process Update | Generation Asset Monitor Blog

Earlier this month, PJM issued an update on its new process for studying New Service Requests from generators seeking Interconnection Service Agreements (ISAs) or Wholesale Market Participant Agreements (WMPAs). This new process was approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on November 29, 2022, and was implemented to address the significant backlog of generation projects with queue positions awaiting ISAs or WMPAs.

NYISO Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

In ESAI’s latest Capacity Watch update, ESAI delivers our NYISO Capacity Market Forecast out to 2032/33 Capability Year.