Increased Electricity Demand in PJM, NYISO & ISO-New England | Congestion Watch Blog

Planned generator maintenance across the Northeast region will wind down during May and will largely be completed by the end of the month. Outage-driven congestion will shift to load-driven congestion as higher daytime temperatures increase electricity demand in PJM, NYISO, and ISO-New England.

All three Northeast ISOs have scheduled significant transmission work throughout May.

In New England, longer-term transmission outages will increase congestion in NEMA, RI, and SEMA.

In PJM Mid-Atlantic, 230 kV line outages at Bagley and Conastone will aggravate congestion in BGE, while line outages at Susquehanna will be bearish for PPL and PENELEC.

In Western PJM, 765 kV line work is expected to be bearish for AEP. 765 kV and 345 kV outages will be bullish for ATSI.

Transmission work in New York will impact all major transmission interfaces, increasing the congestion potential across the New York power system.  Additionally, cable outages will further aggravate congestion in Zones J and K.

Find out more about congestion drivers in May in this issue of ESAI’s Northeast Congestion Watch.

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Congestion WatchTM Ahead of each monthly Firm Transmission Rights (FTR) auction in the Northeast, our monthly congestion report provides month-ahead assessments of the congestion component of zonal LMPs for each Northeast RTO. Congestion WatchTM provides expert insights into key drivers for congestion pricing such as transmission and generation outages, system load and changes to fuel prices.