
Capacity Watch Blog SMM

NYISO Installed Capacity Market Summer Strip 2024 Update | Capacity Watch Blog

The NYISO Summer Capability Period will begin on May 1st, with the following auction schedule:
Wednesday, March 27th – The NYISO ICAP Summer 2024 Strip Auction Bid Period Opens.
Thursday, March 28th – The Summer Strip Auction Bid Period closes.
Monday, April 1st – Results of the auction are posted.
Tuesday, April 9th – First monthly auction for Summer 2024.
April 24th – 25th – May Spot Market Auction.
April 29th – May Spot Market Auction results are posted.

ESAI’s Capacity Watch update to clients discusses the key auction parameters, changes in supply since Summer 2023/24, and ESAI’s forecast for the Summer period.  ESAI’s NYISO Capacity Watch update includes predicted Summer 2024 Clearing prices for NYCA, Zone J, Zone K, and the G-J Locality.

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Top ESAI Power Blog Posts for 2023

It has been a banner year for news in the wholesale power space and our top five blog posts reflect that with heavy concentration of capacity and renewable energy news in NYISO, MISO and the PJM Interconnection.

Capacity Watch Blog

NYISO Capacity Prices Volatile Heading into Winter 2023-24 | Capacity Watch Blog

As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, the New York State energy market gears up for another winter season. The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) manages the state’s energy needs, ensuring a reliable power supply during the colder months. This blog post will delve into the critical details of the NYISO Installed Capacity Market for the Winter 2023/24 season, shedding light on auction schedules, clearing price volatility, and notable changes compared to the previous winter.

Capacity Watch Blog

NYISO Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

In ESAI’s latest Capacity Watch update, ESAI delivers our NYISO Capacity Market Forecast out to 2032/33 Capability Year.

Congestion Watch Blog

Persistent Congestion on NYISO’s Central East Interface: The End is in Sight | Congestion Watch Blog

The Central East Interface is one of New York’s most congested corridors, enabling Upstate generation to serve the robust load levels Downstate. Congestion on the interface and the Zone F/Zone E basis spread has increased significantly in the past 1.5 years as a result of construction on the Central East Energy Connect, one of the two projects under the AC Transmission Upgrades PPTN. In addition to construction-associated outages, higher delivered gas prices in eastern New York have contributed to increased congestion.

Congestion Watch Blog

NYISO Central East Congestion to Moderate This Summer | Congestion Watch Blog

Congestion in April will largely be driven by outage-related transmission constraints, as maintenance for both generator and transmission kicks into gear. Electricity demand across the Northeast RTOs bottoms out in April, moderating demand-driven congestion. However, while warmer temperature forecasts moderate April load expectations in New England and New York, warmer-than-normal April weather is likely to trigger some cooling demand and increased electricity consumption in PJM.

Congestion Watch Blog

Outage-Related Transmission Constraints to Impact Power Prices in PJM, NYISO & ISO-NE | Congestion Watch Blog

Congestion in April will largely be driven by outage-related transmission constraints, as maintenance for both generator and transmission kicks into gear. Electricity demand across the Northeast RTOs bottoms out in April, moderating demand-driven congestion. However, while warmer temperature forecasts moderate April load expectations in New England and New York, warmer-than-normal April weather is likely to trigger some cooling demand and increased electricity consumption in PJM.

Congestion Watch Blog

A New Year (2022) brings New Congestion Risks to PJM, NYISO & ISO-NE | Congestion Watch Blog

High on-peak load levels and gas prices bolster congestion risks in January across ISO-NE and PJM. Winter demand levels are here to stay and are forecasted to be high in every market except for NYISO where temps will be unseasonably warm. Cold-weather seasons are not usually associated with transmission and generator outages, but ESAI has a few outages on our radar that are forecasted to keep all three markets spicy this January.

Renewables Watch Blog

NYISO Renewables Update | Renewables Watch Blog

New York continues to push ahead with its renewable energy goals. Just last week, the state announced two significant developments during its kick-off of Climate Week. Governor Kathy Hochul announced the winners of its recently established Tier 4 REC solicitation, which sought proposed generation or transmission projects that would deliver renewable electricity into New York City. Additionally, Hochul called for the expansion of the state’s NY-Sun program to achieve 10 GW of distributed solar by 2030 (up from 6 GW by 2025). Both announcements signal the state’s commitment to reach its goal of 70% renewable electricity by 2030.