Energy Watch™ Report Released for Q2 2021

Published July 15, 2021 | energy-watch

Our Q2 issue of Energy WatchTM came out this week.  In our Q2 Energy WatchTM report ESAI Power provides an update on the Seasonal NOx regulations under the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and the expected impact on allowance prices, Northeast power plant emissions, and wholesale power prices.  For each ISO, ESAI Power provides an overview of projected net energy revenue expectations for key generation technologies.

As compared to our Q1 report, ESAI projects higher delivered gas prices which results in higher power price forecasts across the Northeast.

  • NYISO forecast reflects ESAI’s latest assumptions of the renewable generation build-out, including updated details on off-shore wind.
  • PJM forecast reflects ESAI’s latest view of ISO’s evolving resource mix.  In the weeks following PJM’s announcement of the Base Residual Auction (BRA) for the 2022/23 delivery year, the retirement of several baseload generators in PJM has been announced.
  • Our ISO-New England outlook incorporates ISO-NE’s 2021 Capacity, Energy, Loads, and Transmission report.
  • ESAI’s natural gas outlook provides an update on gas production in Marcellus and Utica, with a focus on improving drilling efficiencies and the ability to maintain production with a lower number of active drilling rigs.

If you are interested in receiving this issue, please complete this form or email Tom Bausemer on [email protected]

Energy Watch Quarterly Graphic